Welcome to Day 1


Let’s Begin

Hello!  I am your new (or old) PE teacher.  I am Mrs. Martinez.

What a confusing and hard time!  How weird is this? Let me start by saying, I am sorry.  I am sorry for the heartache, disappointment and the hardships this time has brought you.  It is not fair, but life is not fair.  You might hate hearing that, but it is the truth.  Honestly, as I write this, I have a kid upstairs quarantining.  I could die, he could die.  But I’m not sitting around feeling sorry for myself.  I have to get through it.  I hope none of us get sick.  But the reality is, many of us will get sick.  Some of us will die.  So, no, it’s not fair, but it is what it is.  I chose to move forward and up.  I chose to do what I can with what I can.  That’s all I can control.  No amount of worrying or complaining will help…so, on we go.  Let’s focus on what we can do, positivity, and being proactive.

On a typical first day, we would meet in the gym.  All the freshies would be late because they are lost, and we would spend the next couple of days going over a syllabus. We would cover rules, expectations, grading, dressing out, locker room business, hand out locks, check out our numbers for roll call, and spend too many days simply sitting in the gym, due to heat and space issues.

I will provide links for all the pertinent information, but because we will either be partially or all digital, many (if not all)  of those things I will cover here.  Because we are not meeting face to face, I will also have videos for lessons.  I will use Google classroom.  However, most importantly PE is a physical class.  You WILL be given exercises to do at home.  Whenever we meet in person, you WILL be tested in physical fitness.  If your PFT (Physical Fitness Test) shows that you have been active, you will be rewarded and the remainder of the year will go soooooooooo smoothly.  If it is clear that you have not been doing the activities, you will have so much work to do.

I can hear all the excuses now…let me just say IT WILL NOT WORK.  There will be no reason why you cannot do the work because my program is designed to be as easy or hard as you want, with or without equipment.  IF you follow the program, you should have no problem with the PFT.  IF you do not do the program…well, all I can say is you will be sorry :/

There will be multiple platforms I use to get you content.  It may include, but will not be limited to Google Classroom, Remind 101, Various Social Media Platforms, Zoom.  The main thing is be here, be present.  Do not look at this as a time to skate by.  Do not look at this as a time to get an easy A.  Look at this time as a time to grow and to be encouraged.  I know I don’t have the power to look into the future, however, I feel very confident when I say: this will not last, it will pass.  I look forward to the day I can give you a high 5 in person!